Load PIC18Fxxxx devices

This program, PIC18 will allow you to use the pic-el hardware to program the PIC18F class devices. It is a DOS based program, and currently the program, config file and your hex file must all reside in the same directory in order for the program to work. See the readme.txt or readme.doc file for a description. I have used this to load 18F1220 devices successfully.

Servo test program

Drive a hobby servo with the PIC-EL. The signal is on RA4 ( dit ). Push buttons 2 and 3 will change the signal pulse width. The encoder will also, but it doesn't behave well. Maybe someone will figure the encoder out some day. I think it produces incorrect codes. The pulse width is displayed on the LCD. Program is here.

"PIC-EL" Full House version 2.3

The pic-el full house program idea is to put as many features as possible into the PIC16F84 at one time. The program also uses most of the 16F84 file ram, program ram and eeprom. This program provides
      A Morse keyer using the paddle inputs
      Sidetone via the built in speaker
      TX vfo switching to the transmit frequency when the keyer is active
      RX vfo operating on a frequency offset from the transmit frequency.
        The rxvfo can be set to track the txvfo directly, inversely, or
        directly at a 4x rate.
      The ability to turn features on and off to provide flexibility.

Normally you would display the txvfo frequency, which will indicate the frequency of operation. The rxvfo will change when the txvfo is tuned. The rxvfo will be set up to be at an offset from the txvfo which will be the IF frequency you are using. Switching to tuning the rxvfo will provide a RIT feature as the txvfo will not change when tuning the rxvfo. The rxvfo can be set to track the txvfo in reverse, ie when you tune the transmit frequency up, the rxvfo will tune down. This will be needed for some mixing schemes ( converting 80 meters to a 9 mhz IF with the vfo at 5.0 - 5.5 mhz is one example ). The vfo's can also be used with a Tayloe mixer, where the receive vfo injection frequency is 4 times the operating frequency. When used in this mode, the rxvfo will change at a 4x rate when one tunes the txvfo.

Using the menu, you can provide for the features wanted: for instance - if you want just a morse keyer, then turn off the TX and RX vfo's. Want to use the pic-el for just a transmitter, then turn off the RX vfo.
Pic-el full house download.

The menu's are entered by pressing PB3 and the encoder is used to select the desired features. Pressing PB3 for 1/4 second or longer exits the menu's.
Menu selections are

     txvfo tuning.
     Using cursor underline to select tuning rate.
     rxvfo tuning.
     Select keying speed.
     TX vfo on or off.
     RX vfo on or off.
     Sidetone on or off.
     Reverse the rxvfo(tune up when txvfo is tuned down) on or off.
     Tayloe mode( rxvfo tunes 4x the txvfo ) on or off.