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Hacking Matter:   "Matter will become software"

   molecular manufacturing

"There are only about 100 kinds of atoms in all the Universe, and whether these atoms form trees or tires, ashes or animals, water or the air we breath, depends on how they are put together."

  Marcus Hewat, computer scientist  

        "Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy 'cause Kansas is goin' bye-bye."


Jump over Intro Notes

The dawn of Molecular Nanotechnology is the most significant event since the rise of sapient life on our planet!

The controlled manipulation of individual atoms and molecules (molecular-scale engineering) will completely change the world, and everything in it... including the human evolutionary path.   Soon after Nanotechnology is adequately developed, we will face a technological Singularity.

We now have within our grasp the ability to arbitrarily alter matter to any form we wish... and the final implications are literally beyond 'human' comprehension.

Once you understand the concept, you will be awed, shocked, and maybe more than a little concerned!  It is by far the most powerful technology our species has obtained, completely eclipsing any previous technology.  "Nanotech" is our future, and it has already begun!



Lots more to learn... and plenty to challenge your reality, below!

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1st Sites to visit

Excellent FAQ on NanoTech at

A good introduction to Nanotechnology
Some Nanotech Basics Tiny machines will change the world

The nexus for Nanotechnology


The best news site for Nanotechnology and related subjects.

Engines of Creation

Engines of Creation is a must read, and the best book for understanding Nanotech. Published in 1986 by K. Eric Drexler, this is the book that started the revolution.  It's free to read.

More about Engines of creation at

Unbounding the Future

Unbounding the Future

Unbounding the Future is another must read.  Published in 1991 by K. Eric Drexler & collaborators, this book is very visually descriptive.  Also free to read

Proteome project

This is one of the most clearly illustrative articles on Biology and Nanotechnology I've read.  It can cause an epiphany!

The Brain at  Nanotechnology

The 'Brain' is an elegantly made, dynamic 'knowledge interface'.  Kurzweil's site is devoted to AI and the coming Singularity, and both relate to many aspects of our current existence!

To navigate 'The Brain', just click on any subject in the linked matrix, and enjoy!

A good story about a day in a future Nanotech World

"Our Molecular Future"   links

Overview of Nanotech at

 Leading research in Nanotech

Pic below from Josh Wolfe’s latest report on Nanotechnology.


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More News and information sites

  Utility Fog: The Stuff that Dreams are Made Of   (This one is fun!)

Nanotechnology Streaming Videos        Papers and interviews by Gina Miller

Howard Lovy's NanoBot

A great Nanotech Blog from the news editor at Small Times

Small Times - Big News in Small Tech.
Nanomedicine Art Gallery

Google group - sci.nanotech

Nano is gonna be BIG!

Title - Nanotechnology Gallery
Ralph C. Merkle

Nanotechnologist and Director at Alcor Cryonics

Online Originals: frontier organizations, including nano

   Nanotechnology Magazine


   How Nanotechnology Works

Nanotech, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics


   Institute for Molecular Manufacturing

2004.06.08 found this Russian Nano site:

Responsible Nanotechnology
News and notes about the ongoing work of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology (CRN).

Nanotechnology Web Pages by Molecular Manufacturing Enterprises Inc.

Sean Morgan's Nanotechnology Pages

Discovery Online, Technology -- Size Matters

NANOQUEST your Nano shop on the INTERNET

WIRED SCENARIOS - The Museum of Nanotechnology

Nanotech links

'Nanotech' search at

Nanotechnology Now. Gateway To Everything Nanotech.

Interesting Nano related items

NANO: A relentlessly-paced technothriller by John Robert Marlow. (Summary, excerpt, review quotes, author bio, publication and contact info below.)   What a rush!

(2004.04.27)   Nano will have your mind pulling 10 Gs... careful, or you'll black out!

An awesome, highly thought provoking 1st novel by John Robert Marlow.  Just finished reading it... and this absolutely HAS to be a movie!  It vaporizes (disassembles?) Crichton's 'Prey'... technically, emotionally, and intellectually.  No contest!

To finally see in story form, some of the overwhelmingly profound concepts that have filled my mind for years... moved me to tears.  For years I have struggled to share exactly these concepts with people, but failed to capture their attention.  NANO brilliantly illuminates these concepts, and the movie will create epiphanies for millions.  The NANO movie may be the vehicle to finally inject the Nanotechnology meme into the mass consciousness!

Most of the story surrounds the use of self-replicating nanobots, and a sentient AI that exists on the global net.  The illustration of the AI's thought process and 'dawn of sentience' was great... I loved it!  I want that upgrade...  8^)

Bottom line... this story is an excellent 1st step to grasping the concepts contingent on Nanotech: arbitrary manipulation of matter, enhanced intelligence, immortality, sentient AI, and even the Singularity!  What a rush!


(2004.04.13)  Transcending Moore's Law with Molecular Electronics and Nanotechnology
Written by a leading nanotech Venture Capitalist, this is a most excellent essay on the vast and imminent changes about to wash over our planet.  And of course, remember the famous quote: "There's Gold in them thar hills!" Original source here.


Library of Congress Nanotechnology search


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Ancestors to true 'Replicator' technology


3D printers

Laser Sintering

3D prototyping

Robot-controlled inks create 3D structures, Mar. 24, 2004

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are creating complex, three-dimensional structures with micron-size features using a robotic deposition process called direct-write assembly.

The precisely patterned parts could be used as bio-scaffolds, micro-fluidic networks, sensor arrays or templates for photonic materials for such applications such as drug-delivery, micro-fluidics, photonics and tissue engineering.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign news release


DNA has Nano Building in Hand

Researchers from Ludwig Maximilians University in Germany have built a simple molecular machine from DNA that can bind to and release single molecules of a specific type of protein. The DNA hand can be made to select any of many types of proteins, and could eventually be used to construct...



(2004.11.29)  MIT's Fabrication Laboratories  (

(2004.03.19)  Tiny 'elevator' most complex nanomachine yet



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