A PIC keyer.

This PIC keyer was a fun project. It has simple features so far, just mode A or mode B, an option to swap the dit and dah inputs via software, and a sidetone output. I made a circuit board for the keyer which took a lot of time. The board was designed using EXPRESS PCB software. I put the entire design on side 1 making what is now refered to as a Pittsburg style board. Rather than send for proto boards, I printed out the board layout on paper, but found I could not print without the grid showing.

I cut the paper printout with a hobby knife to make a stencil, which did not work very well as the ink ran under the stencil when I attempted to draw the etches. I cleaned up the bad areas with alchohol and drew the board mostly freehand under a magnifing glass.

The program was written in C and compiled using my own compiler. I was quite pleased the way this program came together.

The highlights of the program design are:

The timer interupt is used to generate the sidetone. The timer interupts are counted to provide the Dit,Dah element times. Any switch contact bounce on contact closure will not cause any problems as the next loop through main() will detect any contacts that were missed because of bounce. Bounce on contact break is of no concern. The program sleeps most of the time, so the current drain is very low. There is no off switch.

Program Listing:


   pic keyer
   (C) 2003 Ron Carr

   B port all inputs with pullups enabled
      dah    bit 7
      dit    bit 6

      swap   bit 1
      mode   bit 0

   A port all outputs
      tx enable bit 1
      sidetone  bit 0

     clock speed and timer count determin sidetone freq and
     keying speed.  Aiming for 800 hz sidetone.
     Think want 400 khz clock and timer value of 64.
     may need to reduce timer value by amount of instructions in interupt

     R/C values  R=      C=  

simple commands 
  speed change -
    10  or more dits in a row - increase speed
    10  or more dahs in a row - decrease speed


#include "keyer.h"

#define DAH 128    /* bit 7 on B port */
#define DIT  64    /* bit 6 on B port */
#define MODEA 0
#define MODEB 1    /* bit 0 on B port */

/* intcon values */
#define CHANGE_EN 0x08
#define TIMER_EN  0xa0

/* timer value to load 256 - 64 */
#define TIMEVAL 160

/* eeprom values */
extern char EEDITCOUNT = 72;     /* about 13 wpm */
extern char EEDAHCOUNT = 216;

/* globals */
char cel;    /* current element */
char nel;    /* next element */
char mask;   /* mask for A port, enables tx and sidetone */
char toggle; /* interupt half count, for generating a tone */
char counter; 
char mode;
char swap;      /* swap DIT and DAH port definitions */
char fmask;     /* 1st half el time mask */
char lmask;     /* 2nd half el time mask */

char ditcount;   /* terminal values for counter */
char dahcount;
char halfcount;  /* sample time */
char elcount;

char ttlel;  /* for speed change routine */

/* for interupt temp storage */
char wtemp;
char stemp;

/* set up ports, init key variables */

   cel= nel= mask= toggle= 0;
   ditcount= EEDITCOUNT;
   dahcount= EEDAHCOUNT;
   PORTA= 0;
   PORTB= 0;
   TRISA= 0;
   TRISB= 0xff;
   OPTION_REG= 0x08;   /* ?may need prescaler 0, maybe not 8 ? */
                       /* pullups are enabled */


/* gen side tone and increment a counter */

/* !!!! check generated code does not use _temp, indirect register,
   shift, or EEPROM reads.  If so then will need to save other data */

   /* save W register, clear interupt status */
   movwf   wtemp
   swapf   STATUS,W
   movwf   stemp;

   INTCON= 0x20;  /* timer enable only, clear int status */

   /* generate the side tone, A port bit 0 */
   toggle ^= 1;
   PORTA= ( toggle + 2 ) & mask;

   /* count at half interupt rate, avoid overflow */
   counter= ( counter == 254 ) ? 254 : counter + toggle;

   TMR0= TIMEVAL;   /* value to count from */

   /* restore W register */
   swapf  stemp,W
   movwf  STATUS
   swapf  wtemp,F
   swapf  wtemp,W

}    /* return enables interupts */

/* loops via the .h code */

 code needs to handle
    bounces on the contacts
    nothing to do ( on powerup probably no paddle is closed )
   /* start up counter interupts */

   cel= readpdl();     /* we wokeup, get which paddle */
   mode= PORTB & 1;    /* 0 mode A, 1 mode B */
   /* swap- xor of zero gives normal operation, xor 192 swaps.
      ie   128 ^ 192 == 64.   64 ^ 192 == 128  ( dit+dah = 192 ) */
   swap= ( PORTB & 2 ) ? 0 : DIT + DAH;  /* 0 swap dit and dah, hi normal */
                                 /* speed change reversed if swap is used */
   while( cel ){

      if( cel == (DIT + DAH) ) cel= DIT;  /* dit wins if ever a tie */

      elcount = ((cel ^ swap) == DAH) ? dahcount: ditcount;
      mask= 3;            /* enable tx and sidetone */
      fmask= counter= 0;
      lmask= (DIT + DAH) - cel;   /* sample opposite only 2nd half */ 
      if( mode == MODEA && readpdl() == ( DIT + DAH ) ) lmask= 0;

      counter= mask= 0;   /* send space */
      elcount= ditcount;
      fmask= lmask;       /* continue with selected sample type for */
      wait4it();          /* the complete element space time */

      /* last sample */
      if( nel == 0 ) nel= readpdl();
      /* toggle may be needed for mode A iambic */
      if( nel == ( DIT + DAH ) ) nel-= cel;

      /* speed change routine */
      if( cel == nel ) ++ttlel;
      else ttlel= 0;
      if( ttlel >= 10 ) speedchange(cel);

      cel= nel;  nel= 0;   /* send whatever in queue */

      }   /* end something to send */

   /* wait short time for more contacts on switches,
      also if switch bounces, we will catch the contact here */
   /* could provide other functions on Bport with switches
      and read them here instead of calling readpdl */
   counter= 0;
   while( counter < EEDAHCOUNT ){
      if( readpdl() ) return; /* re-enters main(), skips sleep */

   nothing happening so power down
   sleep with just port b change enabled, global interupt disabled
   just wakes up, no branch to interupt code

/*   INTCON= 0; */    /*(redundant) disable ints,clear change bit */

}  /* loops via .h code back to main() */

char readpdl(){

   return ( PORTB ^ 0xff ) & ( DIT + DAH );

 wait for element to be sent
   sample paddles - mode B
      sample other paddle anytime after half element sent
      sample same paddle after space sent

   mode A
      both closed at start --> only sample both at end of space
         and toggle if still have both.
      else same as mode B


   halfcount= elcount >> 1;

   while( counter < elcount ){

      if( nel == 0 ){
         nel= readpdl(); 
         if( counter >= halfcount ) nel &= lmask;
         else nel &= fmask;         

      }   /* end while */


speedchange( char updown ){

   if( updown == DIT ){
      dahcount-= 3;
      dahcount+= 3;
   /* overflow ? */
   if( dahcount < 30 || dahcount >= 254 ){
       ditcount= EEDITCOUNT;
       dahcount= EEDAHCOUNT;
